At first glance, residential real estate agents may seem pretty similar. But, a closer look can quickly reveal significant differences.
These days, a real estate professional’s ability to excel at relationships, inform thoroughly, communicate effectively, and bring expert knowledge and negotiation skills to the table, has never been more important. With the a low bar of entry into the business, and the lack of uniform standards of expertise, asking the right questions of those who are asking you to put your trust in them is essential to receiving the quality representation you deserve.
To do so…Let’s start at the beginning
The licensing requirements for residential real estate are minimal—just 40 hours of coursework and a licensing exam.
Combined with a commission-based pay structure, it’s easy to see why the profession often lacks widespread respect. It is also why it is essential to look beneath the surface and choose a professional that actually possesses a high level of real estate knowledge, and a broad range of experience.
True real estate professionals bring more than just a license. Along with their existing level of education, such as a college degree or trade certification, an individual worthy of being paid for their expertise is one who has gained it through their own initiative and personal pursuit.
Developing specialized knowledge demands substantial investments of time, money, and rigorous effort. This dedicated pursuit of expertise, combined with practical experience, cultivates a unique knowledge set that distinguishes one practitioner from another. The only way to discover whether a practitioner is the right fit for your needs is to get to know them, and their qualifications, through the interview process.
Be able to create conditions that can lead to competing offers that maximize the end sales price, and ultimately close.
In possession of the expertise to support sales price using comparable sales that meet professional appraisal standards.
Have intuition, “street smarts,” and the ability to recognize when things are not right so processes, such as wire transfer, can be stopped immediately.
Have access the advanced background check tools know how to be an effective first line of defense against fraud and theft.
Be technically able to utilize the full range of online, AI, and document delivery resources to ensure full exposure, quality copy and image tools, as well as efficient delivery of time sensitive documents.
What Should I Expect From My Professional Advisor?
Is Residential Representation Really Necessary?
The potential value of representation depends on whether you are hiring a professional or not. While some argue that agents provide little benefit, others wouldn’t have been able to successfully navigate a complicated sale, or purchase without the knowledge, experience, relationships and support of their trusted advisor.
Regardless of whether you choose representation, or not, you’ll need to be able to identify a truly qualified expert, and understand how they can impact your success.
What Minimum Standards Should I Look For?
In most professions, formal education and certification are essential. Teachers, nurses, and accountants must earn degrees and pass rigorous exams. Skilled tradespeople, such as plumbers and electricians, complete at least two years of apprenticeship before becoming fully qualified.
Why wouldn’t you require similar standards when choosing a real estate advisor?
Your professional representative should:
Be an excellent communicator, relator, relationship builder and a master of inquiry.
Work well with others, know when to apply subtle, ethical pressure and be able to stay in control of his/her emotions when conversations become strained.
Be knowledgeable, confident, honest, ethical, and have a high sense of responsibility toward the accomplishment of your goals.
Excel at managing complex personalities, including fellow practitioners, service providers and local municipal officials.
As consumers, in any arena, each of us hire our professional advisors for what they know, who they know, how they communicate, and for their experiences of having been there many times before. The quality of the results are almost always dependent upon hiring the right individual.
If you are considering a move here in West Michigan, we would welcome the opportunity to interview to work in your behalf. We have been producing great results for our clients for decades and would love to do the same for you.
Please drop us a note, ask a question, or have us come out and take a look at what you have, even if you’re not sure what want to do. We’re here to be a sounding board and to help you make informed decisions. No matter what you decide, we’ll value the connection and won’t chase you in any way!